The Node Logic edit table is used to define special logic for a dynamic resource to perform upon entering or exiting a node. Node logic may be defined for any dynamic resource at any node. Typical uses of node logic are:
The fields of the Node Logic edit table are defined as follows:
Node The entry or departure node where the resource will process the logic.
Entry Logic Logic to be executed when a resource enters the node.
Exit Logic Logic to be executed when a resource leaves the node.
The table above was taken from the example contained on the following pages.
Suppose that for safety considerations we desire to
The only way to enter or exit the zone is through nodes N2 and N5. To track the number of
The following windows show the entry and exit logic for node N2, representing one entry to the zone. The node logic for node N5 is identical to that for node N2.
Please Note: This example follows the rule that allows the Last() function to be used only in Node Entry Logic, while the Next() function may be used only in Node Exit Logic. (See Logic Elements).
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